
This is a busy week for cycling advocacy

With so many meetings about public projects that have an impact on cycling, it is great that we have a large contingent of volunteers to cover them – especially since there is sometimes more than one per evening.

Next week is looking especially busy, and there are a number of important consultation opportunities, including for the O’Connor bikeway, Queen St., Spencer St., Beechwood Transportation Corridor, the NAC rejuvenation, and the Airport Parkway widening.

Here at Bike Ottawa, our volunteers put a lot of effort into keeping tabs on projects across the city. We’re currently watching over fifty infrastructure projects! We try to provide thoughtful feedback to each one. Members of Bike Ottawa’s Advocacy Working Group should be at a number of information sessions next week, and we thought maybe you’d like to be there, too:  
March 3, 6-7:30pm – National Arts Centre Annual Public Meeting (will cover the NAC rejuvenation project).  You can attend in person, or watch the webcast.
March 7, 7-9pm – O’Connor Street Bikeway Public Info Session. Dominion Chalmers Church, Woodside Hall, 355 Cooper Street

March 9, 3-6pm – Queen Street Reconstruction. Richmond Room, Ottawa City Hall. The City of Ottawa will unveil the design details of the Queen Street renewal project, which is set to begin construction this spring between Lyon and Parliament Stations (from Bay to Metcalfe streets). The project includes improved pedestrian, cycling and vehicle infrastructure along the central portion of the Queen Street corridor.

March 9,  4-8pm – Beechwood Avenue Transportation Corridor Open House

March 9,  7-9pm  –  Public Info Session on Spencer St Reconstruction (between Western Ave and Holland Ave)

March 10, 6-8:30pm (presentation at 7pm) – Public Open House #3 on Airport Parkway and Lester Road Widening EA Study

By the way, our next Advocacy Working Group meeting will be held March 15, 7:30pm, at the Causeway Center, 22 O’Meara. Anyone is welcome to come to a meeting. Contact if you’d like to be added to the mailing list to get updates on future advocacy meetings.