Another day in Ottawa, another way the City disregards people on bikes and on foot. This time it’s the detour on Preston between Carling and Dow’s Lake around construction for the new Civic Hospital.
The new Civic Hospital: Active transportation in the environmental assessment
As part of our continued interest in the future Ottawa Hospital that will be built near Dow’s Lake, Bike Ottawa was invited to participate in the Environmental Assessment Study.
The Percy Street / 417 underpass as an exclusive active-transportation route
A small section of Percy Street has been fully closed to cars for its Highway 417 bridge replacement (detailed design here) for over a month. The prolonged underpass closure and subsequent terrible cycling detour routes have led me to do some thinking about this simple but important piece of infrastructure.
LRT construction detours: Issues of accessibility and safety in Ottawa
At the best of times in Ottawa, detours can receive some great thoughtful treatment – The Trillium path detour, for example, gave us a bi-directional bike lane for a large part of it, and held up well over the years it was in place.