In April 2020, after the start of the pandemic, the office of Councillor Shawn Menard purchased a number of large barrel pylons to be placed on the Bank Street Bridge near Lansdowne in order to provide more space for active transportation and physical distancing. This created a safer environment for people walking and rolling, with […]
Improvements for active transportation on Connaught Avenue
Bike Ottawa sent a letter to the City of Ottawa regarding a plan to add pedestrian infrastructure on Connaught Avenue.
The new Official Plan
By 2046 it’s expected that Ottawa’s population will hit 1.4 million, and the new Official Plan is the legal document that will contain the City’s goals, objectives, and policies that will manage and guide this growth.
Scott Street improvements
On November 25, Councillor Jeff Leiper (Kitchissippi Ward) hosted an online public meeting on changes for cyclists and pedestrians coming to Scott Street between Churchill and Bayview. Here’s what you need to know.