In in this second installment of our Winter Cycling Stories Series, Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper tells us why biking through winter is an efficient way to meet the demands of a busy schedule.
Welcome winter in style at our Christmas Light Bike Ride!
Decorate your bike for the holiday season and join others for a bright, colourful, wintry ride. If you plan to keep riding right on through the winter, this is a chance to make a statement of it in style, or to get a fun taste of cold weather cycling if you’ve never done it before.
Cassandra Fulgham on embracing winter and winter cycling
In this first installment of our new series of winter cycling stories, Cassandra Fulgham tells us how she went from being a complete stranger to snowy winters, to cycling nearly every day, all year around.
We want to hear your winter cycling stories!
Do you bike during the winter? We want to help you share your story and encourage more people to keep riding through the snowy months.