As you might remember, the funding for Ottawa’s cycling and pedestrian plans was not in the 2015 budget, where most of us, even members of council, would have expected to find it.
Advocacy update: Cycling to LRT stations, MUP improvements, and infrastructure planning
In April and May, the Citizens for Safe Cycling Advocacy Working Group discussed an array of issues, including plans for cycling and pedestrian links to planned LRT stations; potential improvements for cyclists on NCC multi-use pathways (MUPs); and infrastructure planning for north-south and east-west bikeways in the Ottawa cycling network.
Cycle to Complete Our Street in Vanier
The city needs to revisit what they’ve done on Beechwood for the east-west bikeway. Consider attending this ride.
May 13 open house for O-Train Trillium Pathway
There will be an open house public meeting for the O-Train Trillium path extension from Young to Carling Avenue, on May 13, from 6 to 8.30pm, at St Anthony Hall (on the pathway). The city proposes construction for this fall. The path will be widened, landscaped, and partially paved.