Tens of thousands of people have enjoyed the open NCC driveways and parkways throughout Ottawa at some point during the last 20 months- you may be one of them! This week Bike Ottawa submitted the following letter regarding the Queen Elizabeth Driveway which runs along-side the Rideau Canal.
The reconstruction of Albert, Queen, Slater, and Bronson
Earlier this fall, the City released its latest plans for the reconstruction of several streets in a chunk of northwest downtown. As with many of the City’s reconstructions, this one was prompted by the need to rehabilitate and replace underground infrastructure in the area, but it will also involve the installation of new bicycle and […]
The case for more winter maintained bike lanes
Can the City do better when it comes to clearing for bicycles in winter? It certainly can, and it might be encouraged to pick up the pace at improving conditions for residents after a Supreme Court ruling was recently handed down stating that municipalities are liable for the negligence of winter maintenance.
Let’s end revert reds
You may have read about it in the news, or seen the CTV video, Councillor Jeff Leiper has submitted a report and motion to the Transportation Committee to end Revert Reds. We believe it is important for councillors at Transportation Committee and City Council to support this motion to end the dangerous use of Revert […]