The City is plunging forward with its reconstruction of Scott St. This is a two-stage process, with the first stage—from Churchill to Caroline—recently completed, and the second stage to start in spring 2023.
LRT construction detours: Issues of accessibility and safety in Ottawa
At the best of times in Ottawa, detours can receive some great thoughtful treatment – The Trillium path detour, for example, gave us a bi-directional bike lane for a large part of it, and held up well over the years it was in place.
Transportation Master Plan
Bike Ottawa has actively provided feedback on the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) in various phases, and in both broad and narrow strokes.
Communities, connections, and commuting
The equity policy of the 2021 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update sets as one of its goals to “support everyone’s ability to work, participate in public life, and meet daily needs.”