Bike Ottawa recently sent feedback to the City about designs for St. Laurent Boulevard. As the presentation on this project explains, the street is being redesigned with transit priority in mind, and safe and accessible infrastructure for people on bikes and pedestrians will be included in the plan.
Election 2022: Bike Ottawa’s 2 | 4 | 10 Plan & how candidates can make the grade
This municipal election Bike Ottawa is doing things a little different, rather than our usual survey, we’re asking candidates if they’ll support the 2 | 4 | 10 Plan, and we’ll be evaluating candidate platforms on commitment to Safe Streets, Sustainability, and Livability in our City.
Don’t give up at the intersection*: Scott street protected intersections
The City is plunging forward with its reconstruction of Scott St. This is a two-stage process, with the first stage—from Churchill to Caroline—recently completed, and the second stage to start in spring 2023.
LRT construction detours: Issues of accessibility and safety in Ottawa
At the best of times in Ottawa, detours can receive some great thoughtful treatment – The Trillium path detour, for example, gave us a bi-directional bike lane for a large part of it, and held up well over the years it was in place.