The budget is a great place to find out what’s in the pipeline, since the planning studies and design stages are funded long before shovels go in the ground. We keep a close eye on those early stages so that we can influence outcomes.
Mini-Mission #2: Commit an act of bike advocacy
Bike Ottawa believes that anyone can bike. We also believe that anyone who cares about cycling can be a bike advocate. Advocates (yes, that’s you!) share their ideas for change with those who have the power to make change.
Mini-Mission #1: Transit stations
Bike Ottawa is proud to announce the launch of the Monthly Mission. This is a small but important task that everyone is invited to participate in. Ready?
Top secret: Bike Ottawa’s summer cycling mission
Want to help raise awareness among business owners that people choose to bike to their establishment, and that cyclists represent an important clientele? Join our top secret summer cycling mission…