Remember Bill 212? That’s the one fast-tracked by Doug Ford that not only allows for the removal of existing bike infrastructure, but also prevents municipalities from building new ones without his approval. Despite being called the “Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act”, it is unlikely to achieve any of those goals.
Election 2022: Bike Ottawa’s 2 | 4 | 10 Plan & how candidates can make the grade
This municipal election Bike Ottawa is doing things a little different, rather than our usual survey, we’re asking candidates if they’ll support the 2 | 4 | 10 Plan, and we’ll be evaluating candidate platforms on commitment to Safe Streets, Sustainability, and Livability in our City.
Meet the new Board of Directors!
At the AGM we welcomed some new faces to the Bike Ottawa Board of Directors, and had a bit of a shuffle for some of our previous members.
Cumberland by-election: Active transportation survey results!
The Cumberland By-election vote is October 5th, 2020 and we asked candidates to partake in a survey about active transportation in Ottawa and the Ward.