What came first, people on bikes or cycling infrastructure?

As we see the City spending ever more money on roads (Earl Grey underpass, Palladium Drive, you name it), one has to wonder what it’ll take for Ottawa to become a true cycling city. Do we wait for infrastructure to be build to see more people on bikes? Or do we ride in greater numbers to normalize cycling and show a demand for safe cycling infrastructure?

As new bike infrastructure trickles in at 🐌 pace, people are taking matters into their own hands and organizing rides. There’s safety in numbers, and it’s a great way to meet new people and talk about making Ottawa a better, more liveable city. 

Be sure not to miss group rides by checking our calendar. If we’re missing some, let us know.

This week, come out to #ottbikesocial on Thursday (starting point in New Edinburgh) and to a critical mass ride on Saturday (Museum of war). And check back for more.