Can you think of a better way to calm motor traffic while keeping the bike ride flowing smoothly along? Perhaps alternating yield signs, and channelized road narrowings.
Elgin Street rebuild: Will the sewers be the biggest improvement?
Sometimes, opportunity presents itself. For the first time in over 100 years, there was an opportunity to completely re-imagine Elgin street.
Bike Ottawa supports Bill 65: Safer School Zones Act
This week, a Queens Park committee discussed Bill 65, known as the Safer School Zones Act. If passed, the Bill would grant municipalities discretion to use photo radar and other automated speed enforcement tools in school zones and designated community safety zones.
Advocacy Results: Mayor urges Ontario Education Minister to help improve cycling education
Last week, Mayor Jim Watson addressed a letter to Ontario’s Minister of Education, MPP Mitzie Hunter, requesting provincial support to improve education for safe cycling.