On July 11, the Ottawa Citizen published an op-ed by Monna-leigh McElveny, a CANBIKE 4 instructor with the Kanata Nepean Bike Club, Safety and Education, following a collision between a cyclist and truck in Centretown West. In the op-ed, McElveny argued for an education-based approach to keeping people biking safe (McElveny wrote a strikingly similar […]
Supporting active transportation just makes economic sense
In the midst of the hottest summer on record, with unprecedented forest fires clouding summer skies over Ottawa and dire climate news piling up on our already overwhelmed consciousness, not to mention the crises of the LRT shutdown and the affordable housing shortage, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe took time to publicly oppose closing Queen Elizabeth Driveway […]
Building the Most Empowered Version of Myself
In this guest post, friend of Bike Ottawa AnaLori Smith recounts the many ways which her adaptive bike and the NCC’s Active Use program have benefited her.
In Defense of the NCC Active Use Program
During an interview with CFRA on July 11, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe challenged the National Capital Commission’s support of people walking, biking, and rolling, and specifically urged returning the Queen Elizabeth Driveway (QED) to cars. This outdated and regressive attitude is something we’re unfortunately used to in “Autowa.”