I took my bike to do four errands today. It took me 58 minutes by bike and it would have been 41 minutes by car. Why was the bike a better option?
This is why we do what we do
So our kids and our parents can be safe. So we can have reliable transportation. So we can easily pick up a few groceries on the way home. So we can go to hockey practice (yes, even in winter).
North River Road proposed improvements
You may recall that back in March 2022 a cyclist was killed at an intersection on North River Road. This summer, Bike Ottawa visited the site with the president of the Vanier Community Association to see what could be done to move promised changes forward.
Bike Ottawa needs you!
Bike Ottawa is looking for new board members. If you want to support safe cycling in Ottawa, please contact us for more information and consider putting your name forward for a position.