Canada Bikes is organizing Bike Day in Canada.
Cycle to Complete Our Street in Vanier
The city needs to revisit what they’ve done on Beechwood for the east-west bikeway. Consider attending this ride.
May 13 open house for O-Train Trillium Pathway
There will be an open house public meeting for the O-Train Trillium path extension from Young to Carling Avenue, on May 13, from 6 to 8.30pm, at St Anthony Hall (on the pathway). The city proposes construction for this fall. The path will be widened, landscaped, and partially paved.
City suddenly cancelling bike lanes in the Glebe
The City suddenly cancelled the bike lanes on O’Connor in the Glebe stretch because of some parking complaints. We believe that this is unreasonable as several earlier plans call for a safe bike infrastructure in the Glebe as part of the Ottawa Bicycle Plan and a connected safe network.