Ride your bike to RBC Bluesfest and park it securely for free at Bike Ottawa’s #OttBikePark! This free bike parking is organised by Bike Ottawa.
Bike Host program to help newcomers in Ottawa ride
Did you know that foreign-born immigrants represent 19.4% of the population in Ottawa-Gatineau? Imagine if low-income newcomers were encouraged and mentored to use bicycles as a means of transportation. Not only would they gain freedom to travel for work, but they’d save money, and be more physically active.
Vélo Vogue Bike Fashion Show in new venue
XO Velo is hosting the Vélo Vogue Bicycle Fashion Show on June 6th, 2015.
Advocacy update: Cycling to LRT stations, MUP improvements, and infrastructure planning
In April and May, the Citizens for Safe Cycling Advocacy Working Group discussed an array of issues, including plans for cycling and pedestrian links to planned LRT stations; potential improvements for cyclists on NCC multi-use pathways (MUPs); and infrastructure planning for north-south and east-west bikeways in the Ottawa cycling network.