Rally and Ride for Road Safety and against Bike Lane Bans and governmental overreach.

Join Bike Ottawa and Strong Towns Ottawa on Saturday October 26 for the rally against bike lane bans. The start point is Confederation Park (100 Elgin Street) at 3:30 pm.

We all know that complete streets save lives and prevent senseless, devastating, violent crashes. Nevertheless, our provincial government wants to stop municipalities from building safe streets, and even tear out existing safe streets, all to supposedly save drivers a few seconds on their commutes, an alleged benefit that is disproven by the existing scientific evidence. We want Mark Sutcliffe to stand against this governmental overreach that will only add more red tape and get people killed.

Join us and help us tell the province and the mayor that we love our communities’ bike lanes, and we don’t want the province saying where they can or can’t be built because:

  • Road design determines who lives and who dies in a crash
  • Bike lanes are good for business
  • They’re good for the environment
  • They’re good for public and personal health
  • They give us freedom and mobility
  • bike lanes save lives, including drivers’
  • they’re part of a Vision Zero approach, which aims to make everyone safe when human error is involved

Bike lanes benefit everyone as they take people off the roads and thus reduce congestion

We also encourage you to comment on Doug Ford’s misnamed, regressive, short-sighted, anti-evidence “Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act”:
