More Reasons to Love Cycling for Errands

I took my bike to do four errands today. It took me 58 minutes by bike and it would have been 41 minutes by car. Why was the bike a better option?

I didn’t need to look for parking and then walk to my destination. In every case, there was a spot to lock my bike right in front of my destination.

I wouldn’t have been able to hear Canada Geese, flocks of noisy smaller birds, crickets and cicadas on a quiet path near the city centre.

I wouldn’t have seen a beautiful dog, an adorable toddler covering her ears against the traffic noise, someone’s beautifully embroidered jeans, or the crow. I have to stop every time because it is one of my favourite spots in Ottawa.

I have done my exercise for the day: multi-tasking for the win!

In the end, my bike ride probably saved me at least an hour, and it was way more fun.