Accessible bike infrastructure

Bike Ottawa has done quite a lot of work on the need to make bike parking accessible for all kinds of bikes. Bike theft is one of the main reasons people don’t bike, so good racks that can accommodate cargo bikes, bikes with front baskets, bikes with wide tires, trikes, etc. are essential.

However, we have recently been reminded that racks aren’t the only impediment for people with non-standard bikes. On Saturday, our bike trailer tipped over and was damaged trying to navigate the extremely narrow entry onto the Laurier bike lane near Percy. This spot has also been identified as a hazard for someone riding a cargo bike.

And even otherwise-excellent bike routes can be a problem because the barrier to keep cars out is also too narrow for larger bikes or trailers to maneuver through.

There were many such challenges on the way to the Kidical Mass Ride in Nepean on Sunday. We have also encountered barriers too narrow for bikes in the east end of the city, and even when trying to get onto Parliament Hill. This issue is not just for bikes: imagine trying to navigate such narrow spaces with a wheelchair, mobility scooter or large baby stroller.