Want to contribute to safe active transportation in Ottawa?

Now is the time!

June is Bike Month in Canada. You can volunteer with the Velo Canada Bikes pedal poll. It’s a great way to make data available to decision-makers about what modes of transport are being used around the city, and pinpoint opportunities for improved infrastructure for vulnerable road users.

You can volunteer at a community activity where Bike Ottawa has a presence. Check out the calendar on the Bike Ottawa website page.

Write to your councillor and the Mayor about areas where you think cycling infrastructure and intersections could be made safer. Right now, Bike Ottawa is focused on the proposal to put a bike lane n Maitland over the 417, and long-promised improvements to a busy intersection on North River Road.

Support the GoFundMe fundraiser to improve our bike maps and make them available via a mobile app. These maps help you figure out safe routes depending on your level of comfort in traffic, and in winter they provide the latest info on cleared paths.

Become a member, volunteer or donate to Bike Ottawa. Contact one of the board members if you would be interested in joining the board, as we are already at work planning for the next AGM.

Join in on one of the many fun rides around the city: it’s a great way to meet people, learn new routes, and get comfortable riding in Ottawa. You can find links to many different rides on our calendar.