Bike Ottawa pivots a bit

With the social media landscape evolving and people scattering across platforms, and new sites proliferating, it seems like a good time to return to our website roots and use this blog more often.

We hope to post 2-3 times a week and then share the posts more widely on Bike Ottawa’s various social media accounts. We would love them to be a mix of ideas on how to make active transportation safer for everyone, pointing out problems with existing infrastructure, and just sharing the pure joy of being on a bike.

To do that, we need your help. If you have an idea for a blog post, or just want to share something with us to post, please send an email to Articles, links, photos, microblogs and full blog posts are all welcome.

And to start off, here‘s a great piece on what to do with Carling Avenue.

A cyclist reaches the southern limit of the raised cycle track on Churchill Avenue, where they’re deposited onto Carling Avenue. (Giacomo Panico/CBC, from the article “Missing Links: Ottawa’s Cycling Network Rife With Gaps” published May 10, 2018).