A report from Gwendolyn Barr I live in Carlington and bike to work all year round. To me, this has many benefits: I get exercise and fresh air, and it’s better for the environment. In November, a bike lane was added to Prince of Wales, from the roundabout at the arboretum to the bottom of […]
Bicycle Season? Part One
Volker Bach, a cycling friend in Hamburg, Germany, had this to say about cycling season today: “In two or three months, police and local authorities will be plastering social media and billboards with reminders to drive carefully “bicycle season is starting”. Today, about 7:20 am in freezing cold and darkness, I went past two rows […]
This is why separated, well maintained cycling infrastructure is needed
A child on a bike with training wheels rides with his mom on Beechwood Avenue in Ottawa, December 2024. He is learning to have an active lifestyle, helping to protect the environment, and more likely to become a lifelong cyclist because he is safe.
More reasons to love cycling for errands
I took my bike to do four errands today. It took me 58 minutes by bike and it would have been 41 minutes by car. Why was the bike a better option?