Some people claim that bikes are only for the able-bodied fitness folks but that’s just not true.
This is why we do what we do
So our kids and our parents can be safe. So we can have reliable transportation. So we can easily pick up a few groceries on the way home. So we can go to hockey practice (yes, even in winter).
Accessible bike infrastructure
Bike Ottawa has done quite a lot of work on the need to make bike parking accessible for all kinds of bikes. Bike theft is one of the main reasons people don’t bike, so good racks that can accommodate cargo bikes, bikes with front baskets, bikes with wide tires, trikes, etc. are essential.
Building the Most Empowered Version of Myself
In this guest post, friend of Bike Ottawa AnaLori Smith recounts the many ways which her adaptive bike and the NCC’s Active Use program have benefited her.